
Australia’s Resource for Elder Law Research

Sue Field is the Director of Australian Centre for Elder Law Pty Ltd. Sue’s qualifications include a Diploma in Nurse Education, a B.A., a Masters in Educational Administration, an LLB and a Cert. IV in Training and Education. Sue is well known both nationally and internationally for her work in the area of elder law. Sue has extensive experience in the preparation and delivery of material for education and training sessions for professionals in the aged care and retirement village sectors and the legal and medical professions working with older people.

Examples of Work

Book chapters

Sinclair, C., Bucks, R., Williams, K., Blake, M., Field, S., Clayton, J., Callaghan, S., Radoslovich, H., Auret, K., Kurrle, S. (2018). “We’ve always thought of one another”: Relational perspectives on autonomy and decision-making among people with dementia and their family carers. In McDonald, G., Mears, J. (Eds). Dementia as Social Experience: Valuing Life and Care. Oxford: Routledge; 

Field, S ‘Human rights and residential care for older persons – an Australian perspective’ in Meenan, Rees and Doron ‘Towards Human Rights in Residential Care for Older Persons – International perspectives’ Routledge, London, 2016;

Field, S and Williams K ‘Adult Guardianship in Australia’ in ‘Comparative Perspectives on Adult Guardianship’ A. Kimberley Dayton, Durham, North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press, 2014.

Peer Reviewed Articles

Sinclair, C., Field, S., Blake, M., Radoslovich, H. ‘An examination of organisational policies for decision-making, consent and capacity assessment among Australian aged care providers’. Australasian Journal on Ageing Vol 38, Issue S2,pp 90-97 September 2019. 

Sinclair, C., Bajic-Smith, J., Blake, M., Clayton, J., Bucks, R., Field, S., Radoslovich, H., Gresham, M., Agar, M., Kurrle, S. (in press). Professionals’ views and experiences in supporting decision-making involvement for people living with dementia. Dementia. 

Sinclair, C., Gersbach, K., Hogan, M., Blake, M., Bucks, R., Auret, K., Clayton, J., Stewart, C., Field, S., Radoslovich, H., Agar, M., Martini, A., Gresham, M., Williams, K., Kurrle, S. (in press). “A real bucket of worms”: Views of people living with dementia and family members on supported decision-making. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry. 

Sinclair, C., Blake, M., & Field, S. (2018). Supported decision-making in aged care: A policy development guideline for aged care providers in Australia. Retrieved from http://sydney.edu.au/medicine/cdpc/documents/resources/SDM-Policy-Guidelines.pdf 

Sappideen, C and Field, S  ‘Anti-Discrimination – Some Observations from Downunder, the Australian Experience on Age Discrimination’ Journal of International Ageing Law and Policy Stetson University College of Law, Volume 3, Summer 2009, pp 169-185

Field, S ‘Dangers in Aged Care: The tension between the rights of care recipients and those of aged care providers’ Canadian Journal of Elder Law, Vol. 1, Issue 1, December, 2008 pp 5-28;

Field, S ‘Issues Facing Older Australians, Legal, Financial and Societal’ Journal of International Ageing Law and Policy Stetson University College of Law, Volume 1, Fall 2005 pp 101-120.


Contact Us

Australian Centre for Elder Law
Sue Field – Director and Researcher
Phone: 0425-021-469
Email: sue@auscel.com.au
PO Box 1240, Orange
New South Wales, 2800
Australia | ABN 18161304418

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